Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Pin Wheel Agent Rehilete Kitchen Concept

@ _AGENT_, a pinwheel ["rehilete" in Spanish] in the form of kitchen island. Agent was one of the nine Mexican design and architecture firms called for by the Mexican brand of appliances Mabe to develop concepts of kitchen to show new lines of products for the kitchen.

Said the Agent, "the concept of Rehilete is based on the idea of understanding the kitchen as a cycle..." [the] concept contains 4 stations [or 'wings'], aimed at functions they have been, as part of the kitchen cycle: compost or harvest, preparing, cooking, eating."

"The premise is that beyond looking at the actions of preparation, cooking, eating and waste management as separated events [sometimes even happening at different parts of the house], these have to be understood as interdependent stages of a larger cycle".

"The idea is also to shorten the gap between food and its origin, bringing a compost or harvest station in the same room where is prepared, cooked and eaten food."

"The cycle includes 5 phases: 1] growing and harvesting vegetables and herbs, 2] preparing, 3] Cooking, 4] Eating, and finally 5] reintegrating organic waste bin compost [which later becomes dirt fertilized seeds again]." "Recipients, with the most recurring role at all stages, are at the Centre of the island."

"To emphasize various functions of each phase of the cycle, the 4 seasons are designed with the most suitable materials and temperature according to its function [wood for the feeding station, Corian for the preparation and stations of compost or harvest and stainless steel for cooking station]." "The stations also include storage space and the units of the necessary elements at each stage."

"As opposed to a kitchen regular uses walls to allocate storage and work space, the concept of Agent concentrates all the action in a central island with 4 wings." As an experimental yet visionary, the concept presents new opportunities to generate architectural spaces from the inside out, where to eat, cook and agriculture occur in the same central area of a house. "Aesthetically, the concept was inspired by the dynamism and cyclic movement of the Pin Wheel". Fore more information, please visit Agent.

1 komentar:

  1. LEwBoW uirhgiymyajs, [url=http://rhwxwzufmbyj.com/]rhwxwzufmbyj[/url], [link=http://chxbwsgyfpmg.com/]chxbwsgyfpmg[/link], http://aahygzxicqpf.com/
