Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Explosion Of Color Argentinian Lucas Rise The Carnival Evoking Cabinets

Tired of neutral furniture? Then the carnival evoking cabinets by the Argentinian designer Lucas Rise will be an explosion of color in your living space.

The carnival evoking cabinets are focal pieces extraordinaire. His inspiration comes from Africa, from "the carnival, circus and Park images".

When Lucas Rise was growing up, he painted Street posters. Now earn life painting the carnival evoking cabinets with enamel. The website of the artist is called “Sans Parapluie” which is French for “without umbrella”.

In a way the name describes his design philosophy without limits, where "the edges and boundaries of the Cabinet disappear to become an open space where different cultures coexist."  References: sansparapluie and casasugar.

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