Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

"Fantasy Park" Surreal Landscape Gardening In A Real World

This stunning garden-at first glance they are perfect for a set of  'Tomb Raider' You have to remind myself that this is real. Parks in Las Pozas was built by an eccentric British Edward James and can be found in the forests of Mexico in Xilitla. The steps leading to nowhere, arches and holes to peek through, mirrors, and hidden parts are part of the real landscape of this park. Edward James, patron of the arts who are dedicated, spending more than 25 years and millions of pounds convert 80 acres into an extraordinary fantasy park that stands today. The park is attached to a hotel named El Castillo-how lucky guests to be able to experience them all year?  References: junglegossip and cakeheadlovesevil.


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