Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Muscular Legs Soft Plastic The Naked Human Furniture

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Contemporary Industrial Designer, Dmitri Samal is known for the 'new retro-futurismo' style of the naked human furniture. His human table newly created human table with muscular legs, he has added a few more pieces; a lower table, a chair, mirror, and closet. In the table, the chair and the mirror have the appearance of being supported by a pair of legs of the man. But a man with a body required to support the Cabinet, which really seems that it is increasing in or outside a foot locker.

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The naked human furniture is made of soft plastic with a metal structure in support and is offered in metallic colors of purple, blue, green and gold.

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This naked human furniture will be sure to get feedback from our customers intrigued. I am glad that he did not add a bed frame to his collection, because I can only imagine what would be the guest reaction startled if they check under the bed before going to sleep, only to find a low man there! References: and samaldesign.

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