Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Ambitious Project The Finca Bellavista Rainforest Residential

Towering Ewok Treehouses


The Finca Bellavista rainforest residential project is proof that residential habitation and rainforest habitats don’t have to be two mutually exclusive ideas.

Towering Ewok Treehouses
Towering Ewok Treehouses

Finca Bellavista is an ambitious project to build green homes green tree that extends over 300 hectares of beautiful rainforest.

Towering Ewok Treehouses

By preventing less environmentally-conscious evolution of moving the houses to protect the rainforest for their very existence.

Towering Ewok Treehouses

The community is designed to interfere with the local habitat as little as possible, and strict criteria for sustainability ensures that all houses in the new trees that meet a standard of high quality. References: and fincabellavista.net

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